Whitehat CPS – Company name redacted, this is a pseudonym.
The goal of this audit is to perform a cursory overview of the clients digital representation. This includes but is not limited to social media outlets and search engine reach. We want to look into the analytics of each scenario as well as the social, psychological, and passive effects of the strategies we are employing. Below are my personal notes performed during each audit followed by a strategy/explanation of my findings for each category.
Tools Used
Chrome Inspect Tool
Facebook Pixel Helper
Google Tag Assistant
Window Resizer
SEO Spyglass
Rank Tracker
WebSite Auditor
Employ tools like Smartlook, and watch Google Analytics to see how users are using your site. Even though it looks good to our small group of people, there are an equal amount of people who won’t be able to understand. We need to find the best mid-ground for all users in terms of UX. By monitoring and making small changes as we progress, we can tweak the site to exactly what works based on analytics and ROAS. We can even hire a trained designer to look at the site and offer tweak suggestions. However, I feel that we can do this ourselves with live monitoring. There are a lot of front page keywords and terms already inserted in buttons. We can build out pages for each of these and start capturing traffic for these keywords. Overall the website is set-up to be ready for further SEO and active marketing strategies. This makes moving forward with active marketing a lot easier for us down the road.
*Additional: Working with the Whitehat CPA team to create and employ various strategies not mentioned in this document.
Relatable content is not being posted. There’s no digital “soul” being represented. Depending on who your target clientele is, you’re going to need to start putting out relevant content specific to them. There is a lot of information that you can put out and you have a lot of information in your head that you can leverage to show that you know what you’re talking about. We need to show potential clients that you’re out doing this stuff regularly. Show them what you’re doing, who you’re doing it with and what problems you’re solving. Stay relevant, stay in front of them and show them that you are the authority on all the services you offer. You can only do this by getting in front of people. The most efficient way to do this is to do it digitally.
Start a podcast and give free advice to entrepreneurs who normally would be able to afford your services. Instead of doing “pro-bono” work on it’s own, you do it on a camera, and use those tips and trick videos as marketing. Yes it’s pro-bono, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still benefit from helping people out. Give out as much information as you can, but make sure it’s recorded, and reused as much as possible.
That video can be turned into a blog and re-released again. We want to increase our ROI on all the content we create. Even the videos can be chopped up into sound bites and 5 second video segments for quick actionable video ads.
This is a really long term strategy. We need to dive more into keyword research to find out what keywords users are searching in order to get to your site. We will need to modify these keywords and search terms until we find the ideal sets. Once this is done, we will apply the changes to the website using typical on-page SEO strategies. Our SEO strategy will go together with the social strategy to capture, and keep users attention. Furthermore, by employing a re-targeting strategy and active Google ads, we can drive a lot of users to the website, while boosting our SEO strategy. We’re going to create a key-worded landing page, create the video, and blog for the same keyword, launch the paid ad marketing for that keyword, and repeat for every keyword we’re looking to capture. It’s a lot of boring grindy work, but this is how we’re going to capture the largest group of people.
Aside from this I’d recommend running Facebook ads with the data you collect when the Facebook Pixel is installed. I would also recommend starting an AdWords campaign to jump start the SEO process and start capitalizing on direct search results. The more people who hit your site, the more people you start to track and can send ads to. We can even get it down to the point where we’re sending ads to everyone in Windsor who is similar to the people who fill out a contact forms on your website. There’s a lot we can do with the data you currently have, but it’s important to start tracking more data and pushing ads directly to the people you’re tracking.
Even though the recommended strategy includes everything mentioned above, we can roll this out in any order and prioritize what needs to get done first. This strategy is the optimal strategy, it’s not the only strategy. We can work with you to customize what you need done for you and what I can train you to do yourself. As we move forward I hope to show you as much as I can so we can start to formulate strategies together. I appreciate your time.